If a teacher asks,"Why would you throw that laziness of yours?", the answer of an 11 year old will be," Duh, I don't have any choice",or "yeah,right!". Imagine how the teacher will react when he or she will hear this reaction. Either the teacher will be angry or confused to the 11 year old. Today's use of slang languages exhibits confusion and puzzlement to the older generations.This mumbo-jumbo,undefined terms disrupts the mutual communication between the 1900's,1800's elderly to the cyber kids of the 20th century. In addition, the use of these terms triggers disrespect and misconceptions to adults. The reason why today's generation is considered the most confusing kind because when adults interact with kids today,the answer they will get is the "gray"kind,meaning the either "yes or no" answer. So, if an 11-year old answer a question, expect to be confused at first because their replies will be packed with dictionary-free terms. Furthermore,kids should realize to stand on the different side and use their common senses to be direct and precise. Finally, they must practice to avoid these terms for as they grow up,these slang languages are useless in the grown-up world.
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