Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Name


People always asked me how do I get that name. 

Well, my mother liked fairy tales where there are dragons, princes, and damsels present there. She liked reading those stuffs and no wonder, she gave me that name.

I find it unique because few or rare people in the world has that name. 

Though uniqueness is its positive side, I find the name quite vulnerable because "damsel" in layman's term is the girl who always look for her knight-in-shining armor all the time. "Damsel" in the dictionary always wanted to be saved rather than hold those responsibilities for herself and be independent.

That's also why, I prefer being the independent henchman, rather than the "damsel-in-distress" or a princess wanted to be saved by a knight in shining armor.

Then again, knight-in-shining armors never exist in this generation but I never know that.

I prefer living in this reality as a sensible and practical person and leave those fantasy worlds behind. 

I prefer leaning to a logical platform because that is where the truth always prevail. I learned how to live my life as practical as possible,observing and thinking rather than letting my emotions handle me in my life.

That's why I fancy the public,because they are naive. I don't have to compromise myself to them because they are not worth it.

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