Thursday, March 21, 2013

A letter to Him


Yes, that is the only word that I could say to you personally. However, that "Hey", has more meaning to it. I never get to express it personally because I'm scared. That is also why whenever you try to talk to me, I'll just look on the floor, avoiding each glances you have given because I'm afraid-Afraid of the unknown and the inevitable. Scared of the idea that the love is unrequited, and never reciprocated because I have experienced that syndrome.

Forgive me for having a face that is expressionless and blank. It's just that I'm terrified that's all. I hope you understand.

Honestly, I am hoping that you could dig deeper. However, part of that assumption is a curse of unwavering sadness.

Truth is, I really like you and I cannot pinpoint when and why. Even this precise mind of mine cannot even figure it out.

However, one thing is certain. I think I liked you because you are just nice and it is annoying.

I was annoyed at first because the thought of you causes me to feel uncertain. Uncertain in terms that I can't concentrate and focus anymore.

It is annoying but as time passes, it became annoyingly nice until now. Then, I realized that you changed my perception of how I see myself.

I realized that I'm not that bitter person that I thought I was.

However, these words might be too late because you might have found another. But it's okay. If only you have read this, I would be glad.

I'm used to being the pitiful and secretive one and I think I'm happy even if I could just look at you from a distance.

Thank you for leaving a mark in my empty and sad life.

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