Friday, March 1, 2013

New Leaf

It's just time for me to write what I love (and sometimes ashamed of admitting it) literary and creative write-ups.

In writing contests,practices,and workshops at school, teachers always put me in the news and factual writing areas. I always write straight news facts that yes, boring and objective. (However, the secret of a good news story is always the subjective part and yes, I spill the beans now.) The truth is, I have been writing literary stories and write-ups secretly in high school.

Funny thing is, most of the stuff I write is about that "guy", mean girls in the class, teachers I loved and hate, and random thoughts about life, my views and bitterness, frustrations, and everything. I even wrote a short story about my dog.

I was childish at that time so it is a little embarrassing.

So yeah, It is time for me to turn over a new leaf.

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